Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tea time

One of the ladies at church is holding a tea party at her house today.  Naturally, the first thing that comes to my mind isn't so much what am I going to wear - it's more like what am I going to eat???

Food is my vanity.  Wait...does that even make sense?

Whatever.  Anyways, I don't have a ton of Paleo desserts in my repertoire yet.  So off to the internet I go!  And what do I find, you ask?

Yummy things.  When I first saw "Vegan Avocado Scones" in my search results, I gagged a little.  Then I wondered why in the world that would make me gag (I think it was probably the Vegan part).  I mean, avocado is an amazing fruit.  Why not throw one of those magical foods into a scone recipe, seriously?!

If you're interested in the recipe, check it out:

I would also love making these, if only I had enough time today...

EDIT:  Just found this recipe, and it looks AMAZING.  Obviously, one would need to swap out Oat flour and corn flour for something more "kosher" like almond flour, coconut flour, (rice flour if you're okay using rice products), etc.

Alas, there's only so much time in the day, and that time happens to be only 2 1/2 hours from when I've gotta leave.

So enough chatting - TIME TO GET MY BAKE ON!

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