So while on vacation last week, I decided that it might be time to allow a food back in my life which I had abstained from eating for 6 months, and one that used to be among my favorite foods - the Great White Potato.
Yes, it deserves to be capitalized.
I reintroduced it back into my diet with style (style meaning about 3 heaping tablespoons of real butter and 3 tablespoons of whole-fat sour cream atop the great baked beast). Man, was it freakin' good!
Which brings me to my next point - last night, I convinced Josh that since he's in the clear, he should try nightshades again (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, etc). So we bought red potatoes, and I sliced them up to look like McDonald's french fries. They were pretty darn good - even the slightly burnt ones had a great taste, especially smothered in ketchup.
Only one small problem with all this. I've started getting heartburn symptoms (which for me means I'm not producing enough acid oddly enough), and I can't help but wonder if it might be the potatoes. Okay, I lied. There's another problem - I'm also VERY scared that I might get on a potato kick and gain all my weight back (This was not encouraging to see on googlenews today "Pound for Pound, Worst Foods for Weight Gain").
What's the plan, then? I'm thinking for now, I'll limit my white potatoes to a max of 2 times a week and only on days I exercise a decent amount (moderate cardio for around 30 min should be good). I also need to take my Betaine HCL on a more regular basis...ugh.
Do you have heartburn problems? Have you ever tried taking Betaine HCL to see if it helps with heartburn symptoms? You might give it a try - you'd be surprised how many people inhibit their stomach acid thinking it'll help, when in turn it actually hurts the stomach/gut.
(Note - I'm not a doctor; I'm just sharing what I know. Below are some informational links on low stomach acid and Betaine. If you're not sure, ask a doctor.)
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