Monday, August 1, 2011

Struggling with Addiction

I have an addiction to food, namely, grains and starches.  It has become especially obvious since I've started drifting away from a strict Paleo diet.  I've added rice and potatoes back to my diet, and my jeans have started noticing.  And so has my brain.

I can feel it as I type - I'm not hungry, but I have this desire to go grab some more of my roasted rosemary fingerling potatoes from the fridge.  I would also kill for a bowl of buttery rice.../drool.  Maybe another rice biscuit and some jam...cobbler...


So I'm planning a swift retreat from these enemy foods.  I mean, let's face it - food should not have this power over the mind.  I shouldn't be distracted by the thought of certain foods.  I shouldn't feel like I'm going through withdraws when I just had a freakin' bowl of rice 17 hours ago.  And I DON'T like my size 10s feeling snug like this!

This is getting just a bit ridiculous.  Again.

And that's where the blog comes in.  I figure I need some accountability here, so I'm thinking some daily posts might be in order to get me back on track and keep me there.  I mean, I've got a wonderfully supportive husband who supports all things Paleo, etc., but he's been nudging me for a while to stop all this non-Paleo stuff, and his attempts were met with, "I CAN HAVE WHATEVER I WANT IN MODERATION SO SHUT IT!" type attitude (maybe a pinch less attitude than that, but I was determined).  So I'm guessing that I need more than one person encouraging me.

And here we go - tonight, I plan on doing some measurements, getting a proper before picture, and getting this ball rolling.  I've stalled long enough - I mean, for crying out loud, I really only need to lose maybe 15 more pounds.

How hard can it be, seriously?

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