Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Change of Plans

So yeah - apologies for not really following up on the blog as planned.  The last month has been a WHIRLWIND of craziness.  My husband has had all kinds of medical ups and downs, and in addition to all the usual crazy holiday stuff, a friend had some major surgery last week, and we moved upstairs to a bigger apartment kinda out of nowhere.

Yeah.  It's been that kind of month.

Too many things have changed in the last month; it's kinda crazy.  And no, for the record, I'm not pregnant.  One major thing that's changed is our diet.  Sadly, we're really not what you'd call Paleo anymore - it just isn't in the cards right now.  Josh's health is currently dictating our diet, and what's best for him is definitely not paleo.  We're still gluten free and mostly grain free, though we now eat quite a bit of rice, quinoa and GF breads.  I've also incorporated a bit more dairy into my diet, and it doesn't seem like it's an issue at all for me if I stay on top of my stomach acid as needed.

But what would you call us?  Primal?  Meh...probably not.  Archevore?  Possibly - see for information.  We eat a diet fairly consistent with what Kurt suggests, with the occasional added sugar. 

It has to be obvious by now what I'm getting at - the content of this blog is going to change, just as I change.  The Paleo diet is and will always be a fantastic diet.  I consider it the best place to start when learning the basics of true nutrition, but as all of the great Paleo bloggers and supporters out there will probably tell you, one size does not fit all.  It just doesn't.  And if some grains (rice and quinoa, specifically), dairy, and the occasional added sugar are decently tolerated (gut and weight seem fine), then that's just what works for us.  But you might be different, and it's important to realize that.  You need to test these things on yourself and weigh the results yourself. 

In the end, I think a Paleo lifestyle is more than just a guideline for eating - I really believe it's a way of thinking for yourself and finding the best natural foods to fuel your body with.  If I can encourage even one of you to stop buying crappy boxed food and start eating unprocessed fruits, veggies, and meat, then this blog has been a total success.  I mean, really, the very existence of this blog is a total success - I've been able to share some really great knowledge with you guys, and I've been able to track my own progress.  I've gone from around 195 lbs to hovering around 168.  Sure, I have a good 10-15 lbs left to lose, but I would not be here if I hadn't found the Paleo diet and learned what real food really is.

I chose to step out of the blindly-accepted conventional nutritional guidelines, and find the path of true health.  And I'm still wandering down that path, discovering all kinds of fascinating information.  This is where the blog comes in.  I'll dump that information in here as I stumble upon it, Paleo or not. 

2012 will be a good year.  A year of change.  A year of bettering ourselves.  We have only to act.

I declare 2012 the year of action.  Let's do this.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow. I just revisited this post, and the last two lines couldn't be more prophetic! HAZZAH! ^_^
