Monday, March 7, 2011

An unconventional chip

Baking kale and chard into chip form isn't a new thing, I'm sure.  But never in my wildest dreams did I realize it'd be so good!

Snacking can sometimes be tricky when following a Paleo lifestyle.  I mean, apples, oranges, broccoli, celery, and nuts are great, but after a while, it gets old.  Especially when you're trapped in a jury room surrounded by vending machines and people munching and crunching on potato chips all around you.  It tends to jog fond, misty-eyed memories of delicious fried chips of yore.  Ahhh...chips.

Where was I?

Oh, healthy stuff, right.  So the other day,  I bought a mess of rainbow chard (love love love it!) and kale, and proclaimed to my husband that I would make chips.  I really wish I could have made them last night and had them today at court to munch on - they are seriously divine!

Based on a blog I found ( and my own laziness (let's keep these recipes simple and quick, people), I came up with this recipe:

(Not pretty, but very tasty!)

Rainbow Chard Chips

-  1 bundle of rainbow chard
-  Redmond Real Salt Ancient All Natural Sea Salt (or a lesser salt if you must) to taste
-  1 small lemon
-  approx 2 tbs of extra virgin olive oil

Preheat the oven to 300.  Remove the stems from the chard, and chop them up into chip-sized pieces.  Rinse chard and spin in a salad spinner.  Cover two cookie sheets with foil and coat the foil with olive oil.  Lightly salt foil.  Place chard onto the foil.  Cut lemon in half and squeeze juice over chard.  Salt lightly to taste (loves me some salt!).  Put cookie sheets in the oven for around 15-20 minutes until the chard looks crisp.  Take out and let them cool.

Play around with the spices.  If you find a good combo of spices, please share!  :)

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go finish off my chips. 

Greens never tasted so good!

<3 Sasha

1 comment:

  1. Those sound delicious. I doubt my family will eat them, but I will. :-)
